Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3 Ideas to Make Money

By R Walker

Do you want to start a business, but you're not sure what business to start? Looking for ideas on how to make money? Here are three ideas for making money.

1.Promote someone else's product.
2.Join an organization that will support you in growing your own business.
3.Offer a service that you uniquely know how to provide.

You don't have to be a salesperson in order to promote someone else's product. In fact, if you can write articles like this then you can make money promoting products. Writing articles is free because it only takes your time. But that's not the only way because there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to promote products. All you have to do is think creatively and learn from other marketers.

Another method is to join an organization that provides support and guidance as you grow a business. While most people don't like the idea of network marketing, or MLM (multi-level marketing), there is a reason it works: support. Network marketing provides a support team, and people like you to learn from and with while running your business. The other great thing about network marketing is that you don't have to invent a product. All you have to do is believe in it and share it with others.

The third idea is where all entrepreneurs start. Every entrepreneur has a service, skill or idea that they can uniquely offer. Whether it's the five-year-old with a lemonade stand or the engineer who comes up with a patent or the stay-at-home moms who offer sewing services for the neighborhood, you can start a business today with your idea. All it takes is your action.

Did you find this article helpful? If yes, then you may enjoy the videos and resources on my website.
PS - In my article I suggested learning from other marketers. For one such example check out
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3 Quick Money Makers - Money Making Ideas to Get Those Creative Juices Flowing

By Travis Thomason

Would you like to be a quick money maker and earn some quick money online to pay off the extra bills in this recession? It's really not as hard it seems to bring in some extra cash. Here are three suggestions for you.

Work on your hobbies - Do you know that a person can earn so much if he really works on his hobbies and makes into a profession. If you'll make your hobby your profession, then you'll be more interested in the work and you'll love to do that work.

Craigslist - Craigslist is one ways to bring in additional income. You can sell items that are being liquidated. Many times you can find stores that are closing that are liquidating items that can be resold. You can make a really good deal.

House Sitting - This is very popular these days as many high class people will go off on pleasure trips and they look for someone who can do house sitting. House sitting includes taking care of a home like it was yours in the course of that week. This is an easy and quick money maker, as you just have to take care of their house when they are not here. All you need to do is to place an ad on Craigslist and wait for the calls to come in.

Well, provided were some of many ideas that can be used to get that extra money on the side. Just look forward and take the first step. You can surely earn a few hundred dollars per week easily.

There are many more ways to earn money but if you need to earn money today, then you should explore these options.
Quick Money Makers provides all the details on quick money making ideas. Learn how you can get started today.
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Perfect Online Money Making Ideas

By Jonathan R. Behrens

The secret to making money online is more basic than you might imagine. The simple common denominators found with every person who succeeds with their online money making ideas may surprise you.

• Hard working
• Determined

• Honest
• Adds value
• Loves everything about what they do

You don't need to come up with The Next Big Thing to develop cash streams on the Internet. Yet if you don't pick the right ideas for your lifestyle and your personality it is very unlikely that you will succeed. There is no reason to have to dread the tasks involved in making money. That is just the outdated mode beaten into your head when you work for someone else. This "do it or else" thinking doesn't work out real well when you work from home making money on the Internet.

The perfect money making idea for you will be working with a niche that you enjoy. Either pick something that you know a lot about or are skilled in already or find one that you are just dying to learn every little thing about. Look for a less competitive niche because too much competition is bad for everyone involved. On the flip side, no competition could also spell failure.

What do you have that will add value to a lot of people's use of the Internet? That will be the perfect idea for you. Don't go for one big pie in the sky endeavor. Work on developing (one at a time) several ways of opening up an income stream instead. It is a rare thing to have tons of cash coming in every month from one money making option.

If you want to discover a quick and effective way to make money online all you have to do is Click Here.
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Three Solid Money Making Ideas

By Dustin Heath

Have you been trying to find a way to make some extra money? If you are looking for solid money making ideas, you will find many different opportunities online. When the Internet was invented, it opened up a whole new world for business. There are now thousands and thousands of various online businesses and you can be part of it. The following are three solid money making ideas to get you started.

Network Marketing
Network marketing involves selling the services or products of a business for a commission. When choosing these types of money making ideas, you will want to consider a few things. First of all, what is their commission structure? One business may offer you a commission of ten percent, while another will offer twenty-five percent. You will also want to look at whether or not they have a commission structure for any recruits you bring into the business. Some businesses will have it structured to pay you commissions on anything your recruits sells, as well. Before you join any network marketing business, you will also want to research how long they have been in business and whether or not they are a reputable business. The mistake many make is getting involved with businesses that are scams.

Online Auctions
Of all the money making ideas you will find, online auctions is one that is doing very well. If you have a knack for picking out products that others will buy, this is one you want to get more information on. With an online auction, you can list the products you wish to sell and set a base price that must be reached before it can sell. In other words, if you have a ring you want to sell for at least $10, set the base price for this amount and then the bidding can start. You may be surprised at how much certain items will sell for online. Once you get started, you may soon find yourself purchasing products at wholesale prices to list on your online auctions. Money making ideas such as this are a great way to get started.

Freelance Writing
If you have writing skills that are above average, you can use them to earn an income. Money making ideas like this one do take a lot of time and patience, but you will be able to make a lot of money if you have the right skills. There are many different article directories online where you can submit your articles. Some will pay you by a method known as pay-per-click. In other words, if someone opens your article page and clicks on one of the ads, you earn money. Others will pay you by pay-per-view. If someone opens your article page, you earn money. If you do not like these methods of payments, you will find many sites where you can sell your articles outright. Ghostwriting articles is also another strategy for selling your writing. Many people are willing to pay a lot of money for articles they can put their own name on.

Dustin Heath recommends that you visit to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income with a Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!
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Fast Money Making Ideas

By Patrick Day

Money's tight, times are hard. We've all been there at one time or another. Ends just don't meet. You need a quick infusion of cash. Here are some easy money making ideas to put a few extra dollars in you pocket.

Take inventory of all your stuff. Put aside each item that you can part with. Look for stuff that you can replace later when your finances pick up but aren't doing you any good right now. You need to be pretty severe with your choices. Beg or borrow a digital camera and start taking pictures of each individual item and list them for sale on eBay. You want a really large assortment of things to sell, because they won't all sell, you'll more than likely have some duds.

You can also offer this as a service for others in your area. Post flyers around town noting how successful your auctions have been, include some photographs and your email address/contact info. You can either list each product for a fee or take a percentage of the selling price.

I've said it on other pages here but it bears repeating. Write. Simple, well written 350 word articles written about a popular subject can pull in $5+ each at Associated Content. It's possible to crank out ten to fifteen of them in a day. Those articles can then be recycled as blog posts or website pages.

If you can afford it, buy a domain name and hosting for your site. That way, if your site does start making money, you can offer it for sale. Those free sites belong to the owner of the site (although I have heard of squidoo lenses being 'transferred' for a fee).

Sign up with and promote their products as an affiliate. If you can't afford your own site, use free sites like blogger and squidoo. Build those blogs or pages with your previously sold articles (remember to keep the rights to your articles when you sell them) and set up AdSense on them if its allowed by the site owners' terms of service.

Re-write your articles with a new introduction and conclusion. Reword the middle paragraphs a bit and submit them to free article directories with links back to your free blogs where you have your affiliate links and advertising. Use social bookmarking and networking to create more links and traffic.

With a little thought, and some work, you can create money online with these and other resources. Investigate thoroughly any claims that you can earn hundreds or thousands in a few days after 'joining' a program. It's best to keep your hand on your wallet while you check those offers out.

You'll find dozens of great money making ideas at Pick the best Money Making Ideas and get started today.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here's How To Make Money Writing Articles in 30 Minutes

By Michael Harrison

Make money with your articles. If you think about a web site it is just a series of linked pages. Each page contains some content - information. That's it, the information is an article. It can be a long or short article but it is still an article.

I am emphasising the point because if you are at all interested at all in making money online you really will need to be able to write articles. Writing can put some off. No need, it is straight forward, need not take up too much of your time and it is very enjoyable.

If you are interested to tap into real opportunity and make money online then My recomendation is you take a look at Melanie Mendelson's great system for writing articles in 30 minutes.

You will soon be enjoying writing articles of your own, this will open up a number of opportunities for you. So far you may have been thinking just about writing articles. Try now to switch to the opportunities.

7 Ways to Make Money With Articles, yes use any one of these great ways to make money online. You will be thinking "I don't have web site".

No matter you can Make Money Online Without a Web Site. It is a straight forward, easy to understand process which you will be able to replicate as you master the principles.

Maybe you already have a web site. Did you know you can grow your site traffic simply by writing and submitting articles. Yes you can Get Free Traffic to Your Website.

Since I started submitting articles 7 weeks ago my website traffic has increased 63% At this rate it will have doubled within 3 months!

This article could be the start of your success and lead you to make money online. Think of it this way, you invest a small amount in an ebook which shows you how to
* Select topics

* Write articles in 30 minutes.

* Optimize the article for the search engines,

* Get your article published - you get lists of the best sites to submit to. (including EzineArticles!)

Plus follow the links from this page to
* 7 Ways to Make Money With Articles

* How to Make Money Online Without a Website

* Get Free Traffic to Your Website.

The possibilities are endless!

Start now by churning out articles in 30 minutes if you want to make money online.
Article by Michael Harrison, Author, Publisher and Business Consultant. Go to:

**Attn: Ezine Editors / Site Owners / Webmasters / everyone** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all active links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above. You can use other articles similarly from

OR subscribe to our FREE newsletter issued weekly. Each issue is packed with motivational, business and personal development material.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bagaimana Cara Membuat Artikel Blog?

By: E.W.Sumantri

Mau tidak mau konsekuensi memiliki Blog adalah rutinitas membuat artikel . Sebuah alternative cara yang mungkin bisa anda gunakan dalam membuat artikel:

Cara Membuat Artikel - Langkah pertama :
Browsing menuju Google Insight untuk mencari keyword yang akan menjadi tema dalam membuat artikel.Dengan menggunakan Google Insight ini kita bisa mendapatkan keyword yang banyak digunakan dalam pencarian google dalam suatu wilayah dan kurun waktu tertentu. Tentunya dengan menggunakan keyword tersebut diharapkan kita dapat membuat artikel yang akan mendapatkan peringkat yang baik dalam daftar pencarian google.

Cara Membuat Artikel - Langkah kedua:
Dalam membuat artikel saya menggunakan Microsoft Word, hal ini dilakukan agar membuat mudah perhitungan banyaknya kata dalam artikel. Seperti kita ketahui para ahli SEO menganjurkan jumlah keyword yang menjadi target dalam sebuah artikel sekitar 5% sampai dengan 7%, jika kita membuat artikel dengan 400 kata maka keyword yang digunakan berjumlah sekitar 20 sampai 28 buah kata. Ok anggap saja kita akan membuat 20 kali pengulangan keyword dalam artikel yang akan dibuat.

Cara Membuat Artikel - Langkah ketiga:
Ketikkan keyword tersebut sebanyak 20 kali. Hal ini tanpa disadari akan membuat mudah dalam mengontrol antara banyak kata yang telah dibuat dalam sebuah artikel dengan sisa keyword yang belum digunakan.

Cara Membuat Artikel – Langkah keempat:
Membuat kerangka awal, yang tidak mengikat, bagilah artikel menjadi 3 bagian yaitu: pendahuluan artikel, isi artikel, dan penutup artikel. Anda bisa membuat cara penulisan piramida terbalik, yaitu memberikan rincian pada bagian awal artikel kemudian membuat kesimpulan pada bagian akhir artikel.
Agar artikel lebih efektif dilihat dari sudut pandang SEO, usahakan untuk membuat Long Tail Keyword dari Keyword tersebut.

Cara Membuat Artikel – Langkah kelima:
Cara melihat banyaknya kata yang telah dibuat dalam artikel: klik pada Tools, lalu Word Count, maka akan dilihat jumlah kata.
Pengecekan jumlah keyword pada artikel dapat dilakukan dengan cara: Lakukan klik pada Edit, Replace, lalu klik pada Replace, kemudian masukkan keyword pada Find what, ketikkan keyword yang sama pada Replace with dan klik Replace all.
Anda akan mendapatkan : Word has competed its search of the document and has made 20 replacements. Dapat dilihat jumlah keyword yang diganti dengan keyword yang sama berjumlah 20 buah, maka jumlah keyword artikel tersebut 20 buah. Pada akhir penulisan artikel, lakukan pengecekan dan usahakan perbandingan keyword dengan jumlah kata berkisar 5% - 7%.

Ini hanyalah salah satu dari banyak cara membuat artikel, mungkin anda sudah memiliki cara yang cocok dengan cara kerja anda .. Dengan banyak berlatih membuat artikel secara teratur, kemampuan kita membuat artikel yang menarik untuk pembaca sekaligus search engine akan semakin terasah.

Semoga Bermanfaat, dan terima kasih untuk komentar dan saran anda.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What is an Affiliate Network?

What is an Affiliate Network?

An affiliate network is a 3rd party facilitator which takes merchandisers and affiliates together. An affiliate network is a locate that merchandisers place their products, representing like a market for affiliates. Therefore if you desired to find an affiliate product or program to advertize, you could mark an affiliate network for a listing of affiliate productions.The affiliate network performs all the tracking, accountancy and defrayal of commissions.

This list of the 5 most effective Affiliate Marketing Networks will afford you a general check out on these affiliate networks and how they work.

1. Commission Junction (

C J was among the first affiliate networks. The Commission Junction is essentially a huge database full of data about affiliate marketers and businesses. Businesses proffer banners and other graphics for advertizements, text they would like exposed, and merchandises they'd like to have referred. In one case an affiliate is accepted as a member of Commission Junction, they'll hold accession to many different advertisers, each of which wants you to advertize their merchandises and services through your site. Lots of alternatives translate to lots of possible.

Commissions run as high as 50% but nearly are in 3% to 15% range. You have the alternative of direct deposit for your payments. One better addition, CJ will assure you which merchants and advertisements are earning the most receipts for associates so you can easy decide which merchandisers are valuable promoting.

2. ClickBank (

ClickBank has over ten thousand products that you are able to advertize to start making through Affiliate Marketing. The commissions from ClickBank are generally much higher than the different networks, around 40% to 50% or more. This is costless to affiliates and really easy to arrange. Entirely you must do is type in the unique ClickBank ID you were given when you registered with them into the hyperlink and you're prepare. You can be advertizing downloadable products and draw nice revenue very fast. Checks are sent out every 2 weeks.

3. Amazon (

Amazon is one of the trustiest online businesses. As leaders in the internet retailing, Amazon has the ecommerce technology and the traffic to distribute your products to a global market. Commission charge per unit is somewhat lower than the other Networks but making sales via Amazon is not much difficult. You will make to greater extent sales mainly because Amazon is a familiar and trusted internet company. Amazon At present pays monthly.

4. Affiliate Window (

AffiliateWindow is the most pop affiliate network in the United Kingdom. This is because AffiliateWindow many programs that offer attracting commissions. Pays formerly a month and has excellent stats. You can also select to provide contextual advancements, however these depends upon the keywords you provide instead of the one accepted from the context of all web page.

5. LinkShare (

LinkShare is another excellent affiliate network. It is among the oldest associate networks on the web. LinkShare has more 600 merchandisers in they are affiliate network. Choose from classes such as books, music, fashion, computers, etc. You will find some big companies here, including Dell, Nordstrom, Target, and Disney.
Pro affiliate marketers will apply all of the above networks to make multiple profit streams from their marketing attempts.